1. Download the recovery image suitable for your switch or build one from GitHub.
Intel Tofino-based switches:
Innovium-based switches:
Broadcom-based switches:
Aurora 420/620/630/720 recovery image for OpenSwitch and ICOS
Aurora 420/620/630/720 recovery image for Open Networking Linux
2. Copy ONIE recovery to a USB thumb device.
Use “dd” command to copy the .iso image to a USB stick:
dd if=onie-recovery-x86_64-netberg_rangeley_p1330-r0.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=10M
3. Connect a USB thumb device to the front panel USB port.
4. Connect to the switch via serial console using standard settings:
WARNING: Do not use a USB-mini USB cable, it will damage the console port on the switch.
Use the enclosed serial cable.
5. Power on the switch and press <ESC> until entering BIOS.
Go to the “Save & Exit” tab and boot to the USB drive using “Boot override” section.
6. Embed ONIE to the switch.
7. ONIE is ready after reboot. (Please remove the USB stick)