Priority Flow Control – PFC

Priority flow control (PFC) provides an enhancement to the existing pause mechanism in Ethernet. The current Ethernet pause option stops all traffic on a link.
PFC creates eight separate virtual links on the physical link and allows any of these links to be paused and restarted independently, enabling the network to
create a lossless class of service for an individual virtual link.

PFC oversees:

  • Mapping of an incoming packet to a priority according to its DSCP value or IEEE priority.
  • Mapping of the priority to an egress queue.
  • Sending a PFC frame for lossless priority if it runs out of headroom.
  • Ceasing the egress queue on receiving a PFC frame.

These operations depend on the mappings among queue, priorities and DSCP, which are defined below.


PFC uses the following tables in CONFIG_DB:




In the egress direction, maps the traffic class to an egress queue.


In the ingress direction, maps the DSCP field in an IP packet into a traffic class. By utilizing this table and the TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP table, a packet can be mapped from its DSCP field to the egress queue. In case there is a congestion in the egress queue, the back-pressure mechanism is triggered, and the PFC frame can be sent. The priority in the PFC frame is determined by TC to priority group mapping table.


Maps the priority in the received PFC frames to an egress queue so that the switch knows which egress to resume or pause.


Maps PFC priority to a priority group.


Maps the PFC priority to a priority group and enables the switch to set the PFC priority in xon/xoff frames in order to resume/pause corresponding egress queue at the link peer.


Defines the mappings adopted by a port, including:
– tc_to_queue_map, default value is TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP/AZURE
– dscp_to_tc_map, default value is DSCP_TO_TC_MAP/AZURE
– pfc_to_queue_map, default value is MAP_PFC_PRIORITY_TO_QUEUE/AZURE
– pfc_to_pg_map, default value is PFC_PRIORITY_TO_PRIORITY_GROUP_MAP/AZURE
– tc_to_pg_map, default value is TC_TO_PRIORITY_GROUP_MAP

Configure PFC

All the mapping tables are simple integer-to-integer mappings.

To update the mappings:

  1. Create a temporary JSON file containing the new port mapping configuration.
    admin@sonic:~$ sudo nano new_pfc.json
      "DSCP_TO_TC_MAP": {
         "AZURE": {
             "0": "1",
             "1": "1",
             "2": "1",
             "3": "3",
             "4": "4",
             "5": "2",
             "6": "1",
             "7": "1",
             "8": "0",
             "9": "1",
             "10": "1",
             "11": "1",
             "12": "1",
             "13": "1",
             "14": "1",
             "15": "1",
             "16": "1",
             "17": "1",
             "18": "1",
             "19": "1",
             "20": "1",
             "21": "1",
             "22": "1",
             "23": "1",
             "24": "1",
             "25": "1",
             "26": "1",
             "27": "1",
             "28": "1",
             "29": "1",
             "30": "1",
             "31": "1",
             "32": "1",
             "33": "1",
             "34": "1",
             "35": "1",
             "36": "1",
             "37": "1",
             "38": "1",
             "39": "1",
             "40": "1",
             "41": "1",
             "42": "1",
             "43": "1",
             "44": "1",
             "45": "1",
             "46": "5",
             "47": "1",
             "48": "6",
             "49": "1",
             "50": "1",
             "51": "1",
             "52": "1",
             "53": "1",
             "54": "1",
             "55": "1",
             "56": "1",
             "57": "1",
             "58": "1",
             "59": "1",
             "60": "1",
             "61": "1",
             "62": "1",
             "63": "1"
      "AZURE": {
          "0": "0",
          "1": "1",
          "2": "2",
          "3": "3",
          "4": "4",
          "5": "5",
          "6": "6",
          "7": "7"
      "AZURE": {
          "3": "3",
          "4": "4"
    "PORT_QOS_MAP": {
      "Ethernet0": {
          "dscp_to_tc_map": "[DSCP_TO_TC_MAP|AZURE]",
          "pfc_enable": "3,4",
          "pfc_to_pg_map": "[PFC_PRIORITY_TO_PRIORITY_GROUP_MAP|AZURE]",
          "pfc_to_queue_map": "[MAP_PFC_PRIORITY_TO_QUEUE|AZURE]",
          "tc_to_pg_map": "[TC_TO_PRIORITY_GROUP_MAP|AZURE]",
          "tc_to_queue_map": "[TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP|AZURE]"
    "SCHEDULER": {
      "scheduler.0": {
          "type": "DWRR",
          "weight": "14"
      "scheduler.1": {
          "type": "DWRR",
          "weight": "15"
      "AZURE": {
          "0": "0",
          "1": "0",
          "2": "0",
          "3": "3",
          "4": "4",
          "5": "0",
          "6": "0",
          "7": "7"
    "TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP": {
        "AZURE": {
            "0": "0",
            "1": "1",
            "2": "2",
            "3": "3",
            "4": "4",
            "5": "5",
            "6": "6",
            "7": "7"
  2. Deploy the new configuration:
    admin@sonic:~$ sudo sonic-cfggen -j new_pfc.json -w